Volumes on the Dubai bourse tumbled by 37 per cent on Thursday even as Emaar witnessed renewed selling pressure. Traded volumes fell to Dh169 million on Thursday compared to Dh260 million in the previous session. The Dubai Financial Market General Index …
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Customs authorities say decline in counterfeit shipments due to awareness
Heavy crackdowns on counterfeit products by customs authorities is putting immense pressure on smugglers of counterfeit goods and therefore driving down cases of intellectual property infringing goods in Dubai, a customs official confirmed to Gulf News.
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Call centre scam: Cops probing Dubai link to trace crime money
THANE: Probing the call centre con in which US citizens were allegedly cheated of multi-million dollars, police today said they have come across a Dubai link and suspect that the ill-gotten money might have found way into real estate in the emirate.
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Moin Qureshi gives immigration authorities the slip, flies to Dubai
NEW DELHI: Controversial Delhi-based meat exporter Moin Qureshi was today detained at the airport here in a money laundering case but managed to give immigration authorities the slip and flew to Dubai after showing a court order in an income tax case …
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